Capital Projects Plans

Capital Projects are projects run by CVRL to maintain and further develop the Village. They are managed outside the service charge process as, due to the sums involved, the are subject to both wider consultation and to a deeper level of budget management than the day to day business of CVRL. These projects are often covered by what is known as the “sinking fund”

Strategic Planning

These documents describe the original plan and subsequent revisions

External Repairs Project

The External Repairs project provided for extensive repairs to the outside walls of the buildings in the Village, as well as the replacement of the front doors to each block

Heating and Hot Water

Residents of the Village will be aware that the Village runs a communal heating and hot water supply, provided by a series of communal boilers. Clearly, these need occasional upgrades and eventually will come to the end of their lives, so requiring their replacement. These documents relate to the Capital Projects Plans relating to the Heating and Hot Water systems.

We have now gone through two Capital Projects relating to the boilers, the documents relating to which are provided below.